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Is it normal for sea otters to haul out on land?  Are sea otters true sea food connoisseurs or do they eat whatever they can get their paws on?  Here you will find answers to these questions and Looking for something more specific?  Check out additional categories below.


General Biology

General Biology

Here you will find information about general biology including diet, normal and abnormal sea otter behaviors, and much more!

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Normal Anatomy

Normal Anatomy

The normal anatomy section of the Inner Otter features expert descriptions and high quality images of normal sea otter anatomy.  Click on an organ system below to see examples of everything from normal heart and lungs to lymphnodes and much more!

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Coming soon!  This area of the Inner Otter will feature information written by leading sea otter researchers on the physiology, energetics, and life history strategies of wild sea otters!  Check back soon to see this science section in action.

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Disease & Pathology

Disease & Pathology

There are numerous diseases and pathogens that are commonly found in sea otters.  Here you will find high quality images of many of these diseases including gross and histological images of the most common zoonotic pathogens. 

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